Here is the list of the top 10 books for value investing :
If you are interested in value investing, then these 10 books should form a part of your library. They are gems and contain pearls of wisdom. Enjoy (The listing in no particular order):
1. Security Analysis ~ Benjamin Graham
2. The Interpretation of Financial Statements ~ Benjamin Graham
3. Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits ~ Philip A Fischer
4. Stocks for long run ~ Jeremy J Siegel
5. The Intelligent Investor ~ Benjamin Graham
6. Valuation ~ Measuring & Managing the Value of companies ~ Mckinsey & Company
7. Poor Charlies Almanack ~ The wit & wisdom of Charles Munger
8. Irrational Exuberance ~ Robert J Schiller
9. One up on Wall Street ~ Peter Lynch
10. The essays of Warren Buffett
Some other books of interest :