Top 10 Books ~ Value Investing

Top 10 Investment Books, Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Mckinsey, Jeremy Siegel, Philips Fisher, Charles Munger, Robert Schiller, Peter Lynch,

Here is the list of the top 10 books for value investing :

 If you are interested in value investing, then these 10 books should form a part of your library. They are gems and contain pearls of wisdom. Enjoy (The listing in no particular order):
1. Security Analysis ~ Benjamin Graham
2. The Interpretation of Financial Statements ~ Benjamin Graham
3. Common Stocks & Uncommon Profits ~ Philip A Fischer
4. Stocks for long run ~ Jeremy J Siegel
5. The Intelligent Investor ~ Benjamin Graham
6. Valuation ~ Measuring & Managing the Value of companies ~ Mckinsey & Company
7. Poor Charlies Almanack ~ The wit & wisdom of Charles Munger
8. Irrational Exuberance ~ Robert J Schiller
9. One up on Wall Street ~ Peter Lynch
10. The essays of Warren Buffett

Some other books of interest : 

~ Financial Shenanigans : Howard Schilit~Jeremy Perler
~ The Little book of Valuation : Aswath Damodaran

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