Measures of Risk ~ Equity & Debt
. Investors generally focus on the returns of any asset. They largely ignore the risk factors and most importantly are ignorant of the measures of risk. And so, the real Risk comes from not knowing what they are doing ~ Warren Buffett This post talks about the measures of risks in equities & debt. The awareness […]
How do you compare and evaluate Mutual Fund Performance
. Risk-Adjusted Return is one of the concept investors should be aware when comparing returns of mutual funds. One way of comparing the returns between two different funds is to look at the their relative returns over a period. However, a weakness of this approach is that it does not differentiate between two schemes that […]
Options Delta : The Basics
Options Delta is the ratio of the change in the price of the stock option to the change in the price of the underlying stock Delta = instantaneous change in value of asset with respect to an underlying risk factor. Option’s delta changes continuously as underlying risk factor changes Here are some basic characteristics of Options Delta […]
Investment Quotes ~ On Taking Risk
A great quote on Taking Risk… Never test the depth of river with both the feet
What and How of Nifty Index!!!
. One of my friend recently just wanted to get an idea about Nifty and How it is calculated. I am presenting some basic facts about Nifty here…. Background of Nifty S&P CNX Nifty is a well diversified 50 stock index accounting for 21 sectors of the economy. It is used for a variety of […]
Selling Options : Sometimes it can be made to good use.
. Options, by definition, are a wasting asset. The time decay, declining volatility etc. eat away into the premiums of the options. Many option buyers learn this fact the hard way by watching their option contracts expire worthless many times. The majority of options expire worthless (estimates are somewhere > 80%). Given that the majority […]
Buying Options : What Investors should know
“The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about” If you are invested in Equity Markets or Mutual Funds, it is wise to be AWARE of the derivative product called ‘Options’. Options have seen increase in popularity over the past few years. Television shows like CNBC, NDTV Profit, ET Now etc devote a […]
RBI hikes short-term rates; CRR unchanged
The central bank raised interest on Tuesday in the face of inflation has been above 10 percent for the past five months. The Reserve Bank of India said it would continue to normalize policy in line with the growth and inflation rate in the economy. The RBI lifted the repo rate, at which it lends to […]