5 Elements that affect your Asset Allocation
5 Elements That Affect Asset Allocation Asset allocation is like the art of cooking. And just like with cooking, there are numerous elements such as the recipe, the ingredients you’re using, and external factors that affect your end product. This blog post will discuss six elements that affect our asset allocation. We will discuss why […]
Why Debt Funds score over FD’s and Should you Invest in Debt Mutual Funds or FDs?
Capital safety, the rate of returns, lock-in period and taxation are some of the key features those can help you select between debt mutual fund and fixed deposits. When it comes to investing, for many of us safety comes first and returns come second. After all, no one wants to play gamble with his or […]
What are the 3 Asset Allocation Strategies Which Every Investor should know?
3 Asset Allocation Strategies That You Need to Know Most of us want to reduce the risk and get a better outcome in our investment portfolio or other areas of life. And, one of the ways to improve investment returns is through asset allocation. Asset allocation is an investment strategy that involves investing in a […]
What are the 5 Things To Do as Investor At The Start Of The Financial Year?
5 Things To Do At The Start Of The Financial Year The new financial year 2022-2023 is here. If you want to become disciplined with your finances, doing certain things at the start of a new financial year can simplify your financial planning needs. Here are five things that you need to do at the […]
Resolve to achieve Financial Freedom in your life!!! #Replug
#Replug Martin Seligman author of ‘Authentic Happiness’ and research psychologist has said that there are three parts to happiness : Pleasures, Engagement and Meaning. Pleasure is the feel good part, the short term happiness of material possessions in life. Engagement refers to good life involving work, friends, family and hobbies. Meaning is using our time […]
What are debt funds ~ Know more about this important asset class
Many investors are ignorant of the advantages of investing debt funds investment avenue as an asset class. They prefer to keep funds in FD’s and other traditional debt instruments like PPF/KVP’s/NSC/Post Office etc ~ primarily due to lack of knowledge. This post will throw some light on the different kinds of debt funds and […]
Warren Buffett on Investing in Gold
Buffett’s disdain for gold as an investment asset is very well known. Here is a quote from one of the world’s greatest investor on investing in Gold : Gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand […]
Investing in Mutual Funds because they are less risky?
. Most of the investors begin investing using Mutual funds. I am surprised when many people come to me and ask my advise for investing in Mutual Funds rather than equities because they perceive investing in Equity oriented Mutual Funds to be much safer than investing in equities directly. If you think so, Think again!! […]
You can SIP in stocks – The 10 Steps
. SIP or Systematic Investment Planning is a concept. It means that you periodically invest your money. It inculcates discipline, takes out the emotional part of decision making and allows you to seamlessly participate in investing. However, many people associate or assume that Sipping is available only with Mutual Funds. Thereby, they miss the whole […]