
Category: Strategy

Proven Strategies to Thrive During Market Volatility

Proven Strategies to Thrive During Market Volatility

In today’s ever-changing investment world, market volatility is the new normal. For investors—especially those managing their own portfolios or relying on basic strategies—unexpected market swings can lead to confusion and stress. Learning how to handle these fluctuations is key to staying on track with your financial goals. The History of Market Ups and Downs Over [...]

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Asset Allocation 101: Why Rebalance During Market Highs

Asset Allocation 101: Why Rebalance During Market Highs

Many people are unaware of the risks of not rebalancing their portfolio during market highs. Effective asset allocation is crucial in such times. Let’s assume, over the last four years, your portfolio has consistently delivered an impressive 20% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate). But suddenly, in the 5th year, the market drops by 20%. In [...]

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How to Market-Proof your Investment Strategy?

How to Market-Proof your Investment Strategy?

The world of mutual funds is ever-changing. But one principle stands the test of time: disciplined investing. While it's tempting to try and outsmart the market, maintaining a steady course is by far the surest path to achieving your financial goals. Understanding Investment Discipline Investment discipline basically means adhering to a well-defined investment plan, regardless [...]

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What are the 7 Practical and Powerful SIP Applications for Your Investment Journey & Salaried Employees !!

What are the 7 Practical and Powerful SIP Applications for Your Investment Journey & Salaried Employees !!

Speaker – Kapil Jain Investor / Founder – Enrichwise / IIM Gold Medallist / 20+ yrs Stock Market / Fin Svcs / Guitarist.. (Wannabe) Kapil Jain (Director – Enrichwise Financial Services Pvt Ltd) was invited as a Distinguished Speaker on Financial Awareness for Employees of MESSER India on Jan 22. Messer Cutting Systems is the […]

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Strategy: Evolution of its themes

500 BC: Chinese General Sun Tzu, from The Art of War:   “The highest form of victory is when the enemy gives up.” The Civil War and thereafter: the first organizations. The 50s and Post WW II: Financial control through operating budgets, discounted cash flow. The 60s: The corporate planners; Diversification and synergy, “the future […]

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