What is Digital Asset? What are Benefits of Digital rupee?
What Is Digital Rupee? The demand for private cryptocurrency has witnessed tremendous demand in the last few years. Many illegal activities and money laundering have taken place through private cryptocurrency transactions. And the government of India sees the mushrooming of these private cryptocurrencies as a threat to the formal financial system. To tackle these issues […]
How to detect forged Bank Notes ~ RBI's informative Site 'PaisaBoltaHai'
http://www.paisaboltahai.rbi.org.in Reserve Bank of India has launched the above mentioned informative site issued in the public interest. The site helps in understanding and identifying a forged bank note. While receiving banknotes, it will be a good idea to develop the habit of checking the genuineness of the notes, because, being a forged note, ab initio, it […]
Historical Chart of INR v/s USD
History of Indian Rupee Vs US Dollar [from January 1973 (below 10) till Jun 2012 (almost 57)]… INR has depreciated furiously in the last few months. Pure technical charts indicate further weakness.
Abraham Lincoln – Quote on money ..
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Present Value (PV) Basics….Formulae
Terms uses : PV = Present Value; A = Annuity; r = interest rate; g = growth rate; n = number of periods; CF = Cash Flow; “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush” – Miguel de Cervantes If someone owes you 10,000/- , it is advantageous to get […]
Quote on wisdom and Money ~ Jonathan Swift
A wise man should have money in his head and not in his heart ~ Jonathan Swift
Why deflation can be equally if not more harmful than inflation?
Deflation happens when there is a decrease in the general prices. The prices can be of goods and services. This is exactly the opposite of what happens in inflation. In case of inflation there is a general increase in the prices. The value of money reduces in inflation and the value of money increases in […]